Monday, May 17, 2010

back to work

This last week was my first week back to work, and let's just say it was an adjustment! It is a little challenging getting 2 kids ready to go and out the door by 6:30 by myself.....Rod would help but he leaves before 6 am to get to work on time. Plus the kids each go to a different place which is another reason why we leave at the crack of dawn. Kenzie is now 6 weeks old; it doesn't seem right! Last week was her last weigh in until she is 2 months old. She finally was back up to her birth only took 5 weeks! She went from 90th % to 50% and has remained at 50%......she is such a perfect baby! She is starting to smile now and I am loving that...she is such a sweet temperament baby. Aidan is such a sweatheart to her as well, he can't wait to get home and tell Kenz all about his day and who he played with at is so cute!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Kenzie 2 weeks old

Wow, I haven't been on here to update my blog in such a long time. Kenzie is now 2 weeks old and I guess tomorrow she will offically be 3 weeks.....time if flying by! To catch everyone up, the day I went in for my scheduled c-section, i had actually gone into labor....I guess she was determined to come out that day no matter what. I tried to talk my dr. into letting me labor and try a vbac but since we were only an hour from surgery, she decided against it. Looking back on it, it's a great thing because Kenzie ended up being 9lbs 11oz! She was healthy and beautiful! My scheduled c-section went a lot smoother than my emergency one I had with Aidan almost 5 years ago! We went to the hospital Tuesday morning, April 6th, and we were able to go home on that Friday.....I was very ready to go home and get settled in and to of course see Aidan....I missed him so much! Last week was Kenzie's dr. apt with out pediatrician, Dr. Drass and Kenzie had lost even more than since coming home from the hospital. So we have to go in tomorrow for a 3 week checkup to see if she has lost more weight or if she has evened out. She started eating a little more in the past couple of days so I am guessing she has gained a little. Last week she weighed in at 8lbs dr. said she was supposed to be back up to birth weight by now, but I am guessing it will be another couple of weeks before she is back up to that. Now that she is eating more, she is sleeping better through the night, at least going 4-5 hours between bottles, so I really can't complain! Aidan has been such a great big brother, he is always willing to help which is nice since I am limited on what I can do ;)

Friday, February 19, 2010

31 Weeks

I haven't been very good about keeping this thing updated, I guess there is a lot going on with MBA classes, work, family and always being tired :) So this week we had a scare, and I was admitted to labor and delivery for about 9 hours. I am one of those lucky people whose morning sickness has returned for the last weeks of pregnancy. Lucky me! I had it the first 18 weeks of pregnancy and thought it was gone for good.....I was so wrong. I had became very dehydrated the morning that my "morning sickness" decided to show it's face and was having some very painful contractions because of it. While admitted in the hospital, they pumped me full of fluids, anti-nausea meds and something else to help stop the contractions. I had dilated to a 2 already! But they got my contractions to finally stop after several hours and I stopped good news is baby is going to keep growing for awhile longer, but bad news is I am on partial bed rest. Yuck! I can still work, but very limited exercise, lifting, all that fun stuff! I am trying to be good so my doc won't put me on full bed rest! I am not good when it comes to doing nothing :) My doc is very confident that we can make it to at least full term which would be early/mid March and maybe even to my c-section date of April 13th. Still not exciting about another c-section, but I am dealing with it :)
Everyone else is doing awesome and healthy. Aidan is getting so excited about Kenzie coming to live with us, is what he says, and that he wants to change all her diapers. Not sure about that, but sweet none the less.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

27 Weeks

Sorry I haven't been on here to post in awhile, the holidays and traveling took up all of my free time, or what little I have of it! Christmas was great getting to see everyone, we traveled a lot but it was all worth it! Aidan of course was spoiled for Christmas and got way too much....Santa was good to him this year. To update everyone on the baby, for those of you who don't know, we found out Christmas morning that we are going to have a baby girl!! We are both so excited! Her name will be Kenzie, middle name is yet to be determined :) It is so much for fun shopping for a girl already then it ever was for a boy, so much more cute stuff :) It's addicting! I just had my checkup last week and for the first time, Kenzie measured big. We are hoping that she is just going through a growth spurt, I am now at biweekly appointments so I will get measured again in 2 weeks and keeping fingers crossed she doesn't grow again. If she does they will schedule an ultrasound...guess I know how to grow them big :( I haven't gained anything since I found out I was pregnant, I am down 15 pounds, so the dr. said my growth is all that's a little scary! With this information they have scheduled my induction for April 13th, and might move it up to April 6th depending on the size of the baby. If I make it to my induction, it will be an automatic c-section since that is what I had with Aidan. If I go into labor on my own before, they will let me try naturally, so keep us in your prayers. I really want to experience natural birth, well with drugs of course :) So keep us in your thoughts and prayers, I know either way it will be fine, but my first c-section had some complications so I am a little gun shy when it comes to that word! Hope everyone is doing great :)

Monday, November 30, 2009

21 Weeks!

Well last week was a tough one. I started feeling a lot of pain, felt like cramps and other issues last weekend. Finally decided to call my dr. Wednesday morning (day before Thanksgiving) and go in. She ended up scheduling me an emergency ultrasound and was pretty upset because I was supposed to have one this week and Rod was going to go but it didn't happen that way. We were pretty upset that he couldn't go. So we found out that the baby is perfect! I was very relieved to find out that the baby was fine! We have the gender in a sealed envelope which we will be opening Christmas morning :) Anyways, for me I am not so perfect. My old c-section scar apparently made too much scar tissue on my uterine wall and my bladder adhered to it a few years ago. Not a big deal when your uterus is small, now that mine is growing is causing a lot of pain. My Dr. said unfortunately it will get worse before it gets better and my bladder will be stretched out pretty bad. So I am not thinking about that right now at all! So I am dealing with the pain through Tylenol and a heating pad. This will probably be it for us, not sure if I want to go through this pregnancy thing again......God new if this was my first baby, I wouldn't have had a 2nd one.
Thanksgiving was amazing, didn't think I was going to see my parents because they are still in the field, but they decided to take a day off so we could come visit. I am sure it was more so they can see Aidan instead of me, but I will take it either way :) After visiting with my parents, we drove to Mokane and stayed at Rod's parents' house. We got to meet out newest niece Adaline and she is so adorable. She is 9 weeks old now and perfect! Now I can't wait to meet my little one in a few months whether it is a boy or a girl :)

Monday, November 9, 2009

18 weeks!

We just had a check up a couple of days ago and it was the first time we heard the heart beat not on the ultrasound! It makes it so real when you can hear it. Poor Aidan was diagnosed with H1N1 last Thursday and we have been dealing with it ever since. He had spiked fevers of over 105 and that was pretty scary. Yesterday he ran low grade temps off and on so Rod stayed home with him again today(Monday) and we are hoping that he can go back to school tomorrow!
I have been feeling the baby move since last week and it feels like flutters. It's been almost four years since I have had this feeling and forgot what it is like. It is really making me nauseous on top of my night sickness. I thought it would have gone away since I am 18 weeks but no end in sight. Hopefully in the next few weeks I can get some relief and get some sleep!
This weekend since we were stuck inside taking care of my baby, we decided to work on the nursery. I had already painted it a couple of months ago a neutral color and the same two colors in Aidan's "new" room, chocolate brown and a pear green. It looks really cool, I love the new colors. We started going through all of the tubs that we have kept in the attic of Aidan's baby stuff and started washing and putting away. It was fun getting all of that stuff out and getting his old toys out and washing those. I had so much fun going through all of it and putting stuff in order. We thought we would get a head start because I am in grad school right now as well and my time is started to get limited the further I am in the program. Our next appointment is December 2, 2009 and I will keep everyone posted.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Family Update

As most people know by now Rod and I are expecting. This would be my second and Rod's first biological child. We couldn't be more excited. I am about 15 1/2 weeks today so our baby is about the size of an apple. I have started showing a little bit...still in my regular clothes, they are just fitting a little differently. I picked up a couple of Bella Bands this weekend and they are amazing. They are so comfortable and will allow me to wear my regular clothes longer. Our next doctors appointment is November 5th. It will just be a very quick appointment where we get to listen to the heartbeat and answer any questions that we have. I think we are going to take Aidan with us so he can hear the heartbeat and make him feel like he is apart of this as well. We have our next ultrasound December 2nd and that's where we can find out the sex of our baby. I don't really want to find out the gender but Rod is so excited and doesn't think he can wait so we comprimised. We are going to have the technician write down the sex and put it in an envelope. Then we will wrap it and put it under the Christmas tree and that will be our present to one another when we open it on Christmas day. Aidan has been very excited that he is going to be a big brother and not a baby anymore. He goes back and forth from calling the baby his baby brother or baby sister, and promises that he will share his toys. Every so often, I catch him going into the nursery and putting a toy in there. When I asked what he is doing, he says that he is giving it to the baby. I have the sweetest little boy ever!